A Spot on the Sun


3 videos, 2014

A Spot on the Sun /Smotyn Ar Yr Haul/Une Tache sur le Soleil, is my attempt to recreate experimental filmmaker Chris Marker’s Sans Soleil from memory. Working from fragments, the film weaves together into a narrative essay. It follows patterns of thought through material such as Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, WG Sebald’s The Rings of Saturn, Virginia Woolf’s The Waves, and combines it with personal, footage, images of the Welsh landscape, San Francisco, and of course, Chris Marker’s favourite animal, cats. The text was translated from English to Welsh to French and back to English. In these multiple reiterations, the text spills and transforms. In each version, the film was given an empty timeline and reconstructed in editing from memory of the previous.

The project was made and researched at Aberystwyth Arts Centre, supported by Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.

This work was shown at VOX, centre de l’image contemporain in 2015.


Smotyn Ar Yr Haul

The Welsh version


Views of the exhibition at VOX, 2015 photos: Michel



